Do you need a pc for the steam deck
Do you need a pc for the steam deck

do you need a pc for the steam deck do you need a pc for the steam deck

Thankfully, with this much real estate available, containing the 7-inch 1280x800 60Hz LCD panel is not too much of a challenge. The second crucial factor concerns battery life: the processor alone tops out at drawing 15W of power, so a meaty 40WHr battery is included and that requires space. More area effectively gives the hardware engineers more possibilities in keeping the device cool. Its size is almost certainly dictated by two factors - the amount of power flowing through the machine and the need to dissipate the heat generated. It measures 29.8cm across, almost 6cm longer than a standard Nintendo Switch, which already felt somewhat on the larger side for a mobile console. There have been outsize PC handhelds before, of course, and it should be stressed that the Steam Deck is a bit of a beast. It's a handheld designed to be as liberating as Nintendo Switch, but tied into the openness and sheer size of the Steam ecosystem. With up to 1.6TF of GPU compute power aimed at delivering circa 720p gaming, the idea is to break PC gaming free from the traditional limitations of the PC itself. Steam Deck is built on the same architectural building blocks as the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft, downscaled and refactored for a handheld. There had been rumours, rumblings and actual, solid reporting of a handheld from Valve for some time now, but the hardware has finally broken cover - and it's looking promising.

Do you need a pc for the steam deck