Mocha after effect
Mocha after effect

mocha after effect mocha after effect

I keep the Current Time Indicator (CTI) at frame 0 so it’s ready to apply the tracking data from Mocha when I return to After Effects. Next, I open up After Effects and create a new Comp that I import and place the original footage file, plus the cleaned up and modified trailer side panel image, positioned on top of the footage layer. This is necessary to work correctly with the Corner Pinning produced by Mocha when applied to the layers in After Effects. Using the Distort Transform tool, I stretched out the four corners of the trailer’s side panel to fill the entire file dimensions. Since the file I was working on was created from a single frame of the original footage, I knew the dimensions were correct for resizing the panel on the side of the truck’s trailer. I then applied the NAB logo to the side of the truck from another layer and adjusted the transparency and set the Layer Blend Mode to Overlay to produce a more believable effect. Using the Clone Stamp and the Healing Brush tools, I carefully eliminated the existing logo on the side the the truck’s trailer.

mocha after effect

I started by opening up a single frame of the footage in Photoshop, so I could clean up the side of the truck and incorporate my graphics. What I wanted to do was replace the side of the truck for an ad for the NAB Conference, but make it look believable, like someone captured this NAB truck rolling through their town with their hand-held camera. Poor quality camera with lens distortion. In this project, I captured a semi truck rolling through town with a small portable DV cam. But what if the object you are tracking goes off the screen? What if you want to track something in motion but want to retain the realism of the hand-held camera shake? Even though Mocha does a remarkable job of stabilizing footage I thought I’d put Mocha to the test with some hand-held footage from a compact DV cam and track the footage, shaking and all! Many of the example movies you may have seen demonstrating Mocha with After Effects CS4 (including some of my own) have been inserting something into the screen of a portable device or a TV. This is a powerful planar motion tracker and stabilizer that does an amazing job of tracking all kinds of elements in motion or to stabilize a character or a scene with shaky footage. One of the best additions to After Effects CS4 is the inclusion of a stand-alone application called Mocha for AE from Imagineer Systems. Motion Tracking – After Effects CS4 with Mocha from Jeff Foster on Vimeo.

Mocha after effect